Wednesday, April 13, 2011

HW #45 - Respond To Other Peoples' Comments

To Daniel,
Thank you! I too was surprised by the leeway the doctor gave me, but I felt more honored than astounded. I did not really have time to dwell upon my surprise while there, which just left me with a sort of adrenaline.  I'm not sure if the criticisms of birth that "The Business of Being Born" explicitly or implicitly made were accurate or not. I do think that women are often abused in hospitals, but I did not witness this abuse (thankfully). Seeing birth as a medical procedure is somewhat accurate, because sometimes medical intervention is necessary. "The Business of Being Born", "Baby Catcher" and "Pushed" all referred to C-sections as a rather ugly, cruel event. Sure it is bloody and not always part of the mother's ideal plan, but I think that a happy mother during a C-section is not always a result her ignorance. Sometimes C-sections are done by knowledgeable doctors who prioritize the mother and the baby. Dr. Moritz is an example of that kidn of doctor, and he is certainly exceptional.

To Eloise,
Thank you! I thought the experience was beautiful as well. I'm not sure that all women need to aquire skills that are necessary in c-sections are births, but it is certainly joyful and educational to exercise such skills.

To Sarah,
Thank you! I know it seems like a lot to handle such "extreme" situations, but I think that a lot of people would be surprised by how much they can handle seeing and dealing with. Many people could probably rise to the occasion if they witnessed something crazy like a body coming out of another, and they had to act upon it. I'm glad you caught that birth is a normal process, because it is. It is not a problem or sickness that needs curing.

To Naima,
Thank you! I agree that we should all appreciate birth. If you were a doula, I'd hire you.

To Braxton,
Thank you!

To Jasper,

To Luz,
Thank you, I wish you could have that experience too! I think it's possible, but perhaps difficult.

To Beatrice,

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